A Dream Come True
From about the early 1970’s a seed was planted that made us dream of taking a caravan to and beyond the Arctic Circle. That seed was planted when we read an article by Ralph Lee in the magazine of The Camping Club of Great Britain and Ireland (now The Camping and Caravanning Club). Ralph and his wife, Muriel were pioneers when it came to travelling and they wrote about their trip to Scandinavia. Ralph deemed that by crossing the Arctic Circle, they had become members of an exclusive order – The Order of Bluenosed Caravanners.
This year, with the aid of the Camping and Caravanning Club, we get the chance to follow in Ralph’s footsteps. This is the story of that trip.
We start in France, through Belgium to Holland and then Northern Germany, where we meet up with the rest of the tour participants. From there we visit Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway and back into Denmark before heading home.
Follow the links below for the blog: